
Tuesday 29 March 2011

Sign up for the 360 Preview Program

Major Nelson has just announced that you can now sign up for an Xbox 360 System Update Preview program. The firm is looking for US based participants for a public preview of to help them prepare for an updated Xbox 360 disc format which will help the firm “improve” it’s products.
Now, not only do you get to be part of a select number of people to see where the Xbox is going, but you will also get a free copy of Halo: Reach along with other rewards too.
Much like the preview program for getting into the Kinect beta, you will have to sign into the Microsoft connect site with the email that is linked to your gamertag. Once done, you will have to take a survey. Once the survey is done, the Connect site will provide program related updates and you will receive a mail once the selection process is completed. Now, it is open to both gold and silver member of XBL, gold members will be selected first.
  • We’re looking for multiple thousands of participants, so your chances of making it in are good.
  • This opportunity is open to Xbox LIVE Members in US region only*.
  • To avoid any problems, read the survey carefully and double check all the information you provide.
  • While both Xbox LIVE Gold and Silver members can sign up, priority will be given to Gold members in the selection process.
*Due to disc distribution limitations, this beta it will be limited to residents of the United States only.
If you want to be a part of this preview program head over here to sign up.

Rumor: Modern Warfare 3 Reveal Next Month

According to sources next month we will see Activision’s next FPS title being announced. Official PlayStation Magazine UK is the source this time, stating that the next in Activision’s megaton FPS series will be announced in mid-April.
With the way the second game ended it would be surprising if they didn’t pick up right where that game left off. With Soap and Price on the run. Now there is no date given on when they think the reveal will happen, but they strongly believe that it will happen mid April.
Now April of 2010 is when they also reveled Call of Duty: Black Ops. When the official website was launched and showed to the world on April 30th, so maybe Activision has a thing for April reveals. Rumors also have it that the game will include some sections linking back to the past of popular character Ghost.
Now, again it must be stressed that this is all rumors for right now, but Modern Warfare 3 is a thing that exists somewhere and we will hear about it sooner or later, and if these rumors are true. We will hear about it soon.

Casting Call Hints At GTA V?

It’s no secret Grand Theft Auto is a massive franchise, and after the huge success of Grand Theft Auto IV, they have to be working on Grand Theft Auto V. We just want to know more about it dammit, like when it’s coming out and where it’s taking place. Now though we have some casting calls for a game 2K is working on, and one character is someone from GTA IV.
Now if James Pedeaston doesn’t sound familiar to you, maybe this little fact sheet will jog your memory of him
James Pedeaston is a child molester wanted in Malaysia and is being investigated by the FBI. He hosted The Wild Traveler show on WCTR in 1992, although it is apparently syndicated to nine other stations (not heard in-game). He enjoys traveling the world and logging some of his most “exotic” encounters in his travelogue, some of which he accidentally reads on-air to the disgust of the listeners. His favourite memory seems to be a relationship with a boy named Avrindar in Sri Lanka. His show appears to be so reviled by his listeners that at one point, he receives few calls which are not supportive. For example, a caller tells him to stop droning on about other countries and focus on talking about where he lives. At one point he received a phone call from a suicidal man in Verdant Bluffs who wanted to go to hell. Pedeaston replies with “Me too! Buy me a refrigerator magnet when you get there”. In GTA IV, he was arrested by the Indonesian police after being suspected of child molesting in Bali, Indonesia in 2003.
So you can probably bet he will at least be a more important character this time around, and not just some voice on the in game radio. Add in those other characters that they are casting, GTA V, is shaping up to be even better thanGrand Theft Auto IV.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Homefront: Getting the Hang of Things | Gameplay Commentary

Still learning the basics. Having some lag and freezing issues. Hopefully just day 1 server slam.

Transformers MMO Coming Soon From Runescape Developer Jagex

Jagex is a company that is no stranger to the MMO market. Known primarily for the somewhat free-to-play game, Runescape, the developer undoubtedly has a fair amount of experience under its belt.
Considering the past success of Runescape in particular, the current Transformers rights holder, Hasbro, quickly turned to Jagex in regards to developing the newly announced Transformers MMO–referring to the company as having an “outstanding track record.”
CEO of Jagex, Mark Gerhard, offered the following statement concerning the developer’s future release: “There is a huge appetite for an online Transformers game and we will utilize every bit of our development and publishing expertise to deliver a dynamic and action-packed game that Transformers fans will find irresistible.” Personally, I’m not entirely convinced that the market is currently demanding a Transformers MMO, but we shall see upon the launch of the game in 2012.
One question that immediately comes to mind is whether this MMO will feature “classic” Transformers, or if it will be more “Michael Bay-esque”.

Monday 14 March 2011

“North Korea Attacks” Homefront Ad Leads To Unfortunate Misunderstanding

Homefront is a very soon-to-be-released first-person shooter that is being published by THQ on the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game is most significantly set in the year 2027 when the United States is being invaded by North Korea. The title also follows the downfall of America and growth of Korea over the years, explaining what eventually led to the ‘future-bound’ invasion.
As you are no doubt aware, North Korea is currently somewhat of a threat in the real world, so perhaps the following piece of marketing on Youtube was not particularly well thought out.
At a quick glance, the advertisement looks to be a fairly believable news clips with Hillary Clinton making a statement–the only major distinction being the “close ad” icon at the top right corner. Considering this, it’s not very surprising to hear that some people were noticeably shocked and angry at the “misleading” and “deceptive” piece of marketing.
The following is just a few comments that were made in response to the seemingly unintentional misunderstanding:
“Almost freaked out at the YouTube homepage banner ad for Homefront, thinking it was a real headline on a North Korean attack. Not cool.”
“The front page advertisement for “HomeFront” on YouTube to be offensive. I thought North Korea had actually attacked. Misleading.”
The advertisement above was featured this past weekend, and is currently no longer available. Whether the removal of the ad was a direct result of this misunderstanding is currently unknown, but it’s entirely possible that it was simply the end of the marketing deal set by THQ.
Accidental misinterpretation, intentional publicity stunt, or overreaction? How do you feel about the advertisement?Homefront is set to release tomorrow, March 15, 2011 in North America and Europe.

Saturday 12 March 2011


If you’ve scrolled through the Xbox Live dashboard in the last couple days, you’ve seen Xbox Live Labs, a free to download app for your 360 that runs network tests on your console and home internet. According to Major Nelson, Xbox Live Labs is designed to “perform[s] a number of network tests from your console to Xbox LIVE. These results are recorded solely for the purpose of testing and improving the service.”
Having downloaded Labs last night and let it run for an hour, I was surprised to find Avatar awards and Achievements as part of the package (even if they’re worth zero points). There are three levels of testing, which essentially amounts you having to wait 30 minutes, an hour, and six hours. Similar to Sony’s Folding@Home, I let my system run and went and did something else.
But while I was waiting, I got to thinking: what would cause Microsoft to develop a program with fully featured elements like Achievement and Avatar unlocks simply to test the network? Why would they want to position Live Labs as a pseudo-game (and I use that term loosely) to get people to download it? Clearly they’re trying to benchmark network performance around the U.S.
That got my spider sense a-tingling. Microsoft never needed to test network latency when they launched Netflix or ESPN360.
With the recent report of IPTV finally, maybe coming to Xbox 360, perhaps Live Labs is a precursor to its launch? Perhaps. I also think it could be serving to pave the way for a service like OnLive or Gaikai to come to the Xbox 360 dahsboard. If Live Labs is testing individual users’ home connections, it’s possible that Microsoft is attempting to create a heat map of geography to see how regions handle latency. Obviously, latency is a big killer to experiences like OnLive, where input lag and visual fidelity downgrades can hamper the end user; the closer to a data center a user is, the better their performance.
Given OnLive’s position in the marketplace as a service for all major publishers, it seems unlikely that they would strike a deal that would demand platform exclusivity with Microsoft. But in light of the recent PS3 cloud storage move from Sony, maybe Microsoft is planning to invest heavily in their own cloud gaming service or storage solution. It would be an interesting move, certainly, even if it isn’t manifested until the next Xbox debuts. Xbox Live games being playable from the cloud would alleviate a lot of the license management that happens when you download something to your console (i.e., games you buy are tied to your system, and if your hard drive ever goes down, you’re forced to redownload that content).
Finally, there’s the Gaikai angle. Gaikai is promising a one-click solution for demos, whereby players can simply hit a button, and the demo pops up on-screen, be it on console or on the internet through your PC. Gaikai promises that you can get a taste of a game without having to download anything, and once you’re done, it’s back to standard operating procedure. A service like this would require a certain amount of bandwidth to deliver the game demo experience to the user (which this test could potentially be used for), but I very much like the idea of not having to wait for a demo to download before playing it. Imagine if you could simply click the demo box on the XBL dashboard, play it, and then jump into whatever other activity you want.
Of course I could just be jumping to conclusions. Maybe all Microsoft wants to do is really improve how fast the current Xbox Live really is. If so, they’ve created a nice-looking test app and not much more, other than a way to give away meaningless zero-point achievements. They clearly had a designer on the project, which speaks to me as an omen of things to come.

Friday 11 March 2011

Holy Sh*t: GTA IV Sells Nearly 20 Million Since 2008

It’s been quite a few years since the release of Grand Theft Auto IV. In that time it’s caused a little controversy,sucked 700 hours out of my life, and above all else — sold like crazy! While some games strive to sell one million copies, Grand Theft Auto IV has far exceeded that in the 3 years now it’s been out.
Since it’s release in 2008, Grand Theft Auto IV has sold a close to 20 million copies. The series as a whole has sold 100 million copies, but it’s crazy to think that 20% of those sales were from a single game. Albeit, the game is a lot of fun and has staying power. Also, GTA is a widly popular series among gamers. Let’s face it, who doesn’t want their own crime, murder, car theft simulator? Am I right?
Well done Grand Theft Auto IV, well done. I know I sure as hell loved the game.

Thursday 10 March 2011

It Begins Tomorrow! PAX East 2011!

We’re here in Boston and we’re all set for PAX East 2011! It should be quite a fun time and we look forward to bringing you as much coverage of the event as we possibly can. We’ve got some great appointments lined up and hope to get some interviews with the developers as well. We’ll also get to meet Chuck Bittner after all this time of supporting him. Look for an interview with Chuck as well!
We’ve added a banner to the top of the page that will bring you to all of the PAX East 2011 coverage. You’ll be able to check out everything we post from the event. We wish you could all be here with us, but sadly that is not the case. Look for a live broadcast sometime over the next few days as well! We’re going to broadcast and talk with all of you about all the stuff we see!
If you’re going to be here at the show, let us know! We’re still trying to figure out something in-terms of a meet-up. We’ll post details on the forums sometime within the next 24 hours, so keep your eyes peeled!

Gears of War may disappear Forever | Gears of War 3 is the last hope

In a recent interview with Epic's Design Director, Cliff Bleszinski, it appears that this may be the last chance for the Gears of War franchise to survive. If the multiplayer in Gears of War 3 fails as it did with Gears of War 2 then the franchise may end with GOW3.

Click here to read the related article,

PS3 Consoles to be Destroyed by LG | Has LG gone too far?

In the Patent case of LG versus Sony, it appears that LG may be requesting that several thousands Playstation 3 consoles that were shipped to Holland be destroyed. Perhaps LG has crossed the line of professionalism and entered the realm of unnecessary maliciousness.

Click here to read the related article,

Wednesday 9 March 2011


Sony’s issuing warnings that the PlayStation Network will go down for about 11 hours today for maintenance, starting at 8AM Pacific / 11AM Eastern (which has already occurred at the time of this writing). The silver lining is that this maintenance will add cloud storage to the service for PlayStation Plus subscribers.
Sony is offering 150 megabytes of remote storage for all Plus subscribers, meaning you choice few can upload your save files to the internet and access them from other PlayStation 3s. Sony notes that “most” save games support this, and going forward, all future games will. This is especially handy if you, say, happen to be a journalist who has to transfer saves back and forth from the office to the home.
Because there’s so many people out there that have to do that.
Perhaps the coolest feature is that future games may have the option to save directly to the cloud, meaning the save will never be on your local hard drive, and will always be available. Well, provided the PlayStation Network isn’t down, but that never hap… pens…
Of course, the new functionality will come in an evening-destroying PlayStation update, so don’t plan on uploading saves right from the get go.
[via IGNJoystiq]


Job postings on Microsoft’s Linkedin profile seem to indicate preparation for the NextBox, or Xbox 720, or whatever they end up calling it. By the way, what should they call the thing?
Among others, the postings call for a performance hardware architect and a graphics hardware architect. Because these postings seem to indicate any new hardware development is in its early stages, if this is indication of the next-next-generation of consoles, we likely won’t here about it until E3 2012 at the earliest.
[via Gamasutra]

Online Storage for Game Saves Coming to PlayStation Plus

Hey everyone – We’ve got an exciting new feature coming exclusively to PlayStation Plussubscribers. Included in the system software update (v3.60) coming tomorrow to PS3, PlayStation Network’s new online storage for game saves feature gives PlayStation Plus subscribers the capability to back up game save data to the cloud. Online storage for game saves is a great way for PlayStation Plus subscribers to ensure that their data files are secure and also for users who wish to access their files from other PS3 systems.
PlayStation Plus Logo White
The new online storage feature allows gamers to store up to 150MB of game save data and a maximum of 1000 data files per PSN account. Users also have the ability to back-up “copy-prohibited save data,” and all previously saved data may be restored once per 24 hour period. When the new feature launches, most PS3 titles will be compatible with online storage for game saves, and moving forward, all new titles will have the capability to offer the storage option.
As I mentioned before, online storage for game saves functionality is included automatically forPlayStation Plus subscribers with system software update (v3.60), which will be available on March 10, 2011, and users can access their stored data on the XMB at any time. Additionally, users who save their files to the cloud can access their data on any PS3, using their PSN sign-in ID.
PlayStation Plus subscribers should turn on the auto-download feature to ensure that the update will begin downloading as soon as it’s available, so you can start backing up your game saves right away. If you aren’t already a PlayStation Plus subscriber, be sure to check out our bi-weekly posthighlighting the free games, discounts and exciting exclusives we offer, in addition to the upcoming online storage for game saves feature.
Other minor features will also be added via system software update (v3.60). For more information please visit once the update is live.

Introducing Katherine Marlowe - UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception

November 1st is going to be a great day for PlayStation 3 players with the release of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. The main question some people were asking is who would be the villain in this game. Well good news, Naughty Dog has revealed at least one of them in the games first presentation of a cut-scene for the game.

L.A. Noire Gameplay Series Video: "Investigation and Interrogation"

The second game-play video for Team Bondi’s upcoming game L.A. Noire. This one focusing on two crucial skills all good detectives need — investigation and interrogation. Yes, this video is all actual game-play footage, and shows how players will search crime scenes, interact with possible clues and question witnesses and suspects in order to solve cases.

Battlefield 3 Could Support 256 Player Online Matches

DICE boss Patrick Soderlund in a recent interview when asked about the maximum number of players for the online portion of the game. The game and engine could support up to 256 players, but when they tried and played it with that many players, it wasn’t fun.
A lot of people ask us about 64 versus 128 or 256 players. Technically, we can go to 256, we’ve tried it. We play tested with 128. You’ve got to make a game that’s fun to play. And, arguably, we think that the most fun you can have is when it’s between 32 and 40 players. And we’ve done substantial research into this and tested 128 and that it’s not fun. Maybe we haven’t done our design work good enough, but we just feel like there’s no point in going higher than 64.
So while yes the game could support that many players, but they decided against it since it wouldn’t be as fun. Also good news that they really are making the PC crowd happy, because the last Battlefield game which as Bad Company 2, had been scaled down like the console version of the game.
So it just goes to show you that MAG isn’t the only game that can handle 256 player online battles, Battlefield 3could, if DICE really wanted to.

Grand Theft Auto 5 Rumours Ramp Up "Supposed casting list points to LA setting for Rockstar's next."

A casting list that's being linked to Take Two suggests that GTA Vcould be set in Los Angeles, or Los Santos as it's known within Rockstar's fictional universe. 

Internet sleuth Superannuation has once again been doing the digging, unearthing a full and detailed casting list for a project known as Rush. It's not uncommon for games to carry codenames that bear little relation to their final titles – GTA IV was at one point in production simply known as Frozen. 

The casting list details characters that would fit within Rockstar's heavily satirical worldview, with 'weed evangelists', 'neurotic soccer moms' and 'Armenian car dealers' all in the post on The Agency. 

Rumours that GTA V would be set in Hollywood first started circulating last year, and Rush's cast of stoners and Californian divorcees would appear to back up that claim. 

Los Santos made a starring appearance in GTA: San Andreas, a game that's held up as a series highlight. We've already had our say on what we'd like to see in Grand Theft Auto IV – what would you like to see feature? 

GDC: Mirror's Edge 2 Still in EA's Plans

Electronic Arts says it hasn't thrown in the towel on the Mirror's Edge franchise. During an interview with IGN, EA Games President Frank Gibeau said the publisher continues to work with developer DICE on ways to bring Faith back for a second game. 

"We're looking at ideas for it, absolutely," he said when asked about a sequel. "We just haven't figured out the right way to bring it back yet. It was a franchise that reached an audience, but it didn't reach a large audience, and from a quality standpoint it was good, not great." 

"Working with DICE, we're really trying to figure out a way of bringing Faith and the Mirror's Edge property back, but we just really haven't crafted the idea yet. We're looking at it," Gibeau added. 

Despite critical acclaim, the first title failed to meet EA's sales expectations. A small team was confirmed to be working on a sequel back in 2009.

Monday 7 March 2011

Is Microsoft Hiring for the Next Xbox? Microsoft needs your help, but it's a secret.

It seems Microsoft may be starting development on its next Xbox console.

Recent job postings on networking website LinkedIn, first discovered by Beyond3D, reveal the company is hiring positions to work on next-generation console architectures in its Xbox division.

A Graphics Architect position for Xbox hardware calls for someone to lead a team responsible for "defining and delivering next generation console architectures from conception through implementation."

Additionally, an open Senior Engineer position seeks someone for "development and verification of the Xbox and future platforms," while a third posting for a Senior Performance Architect will be involved in "product definition from early evaluation all the way through high volume manufacturing."

Microsoft began work on the current Xbox 360 architecture back in 2003 with the console releasing in 2005. If the two-year development cycle continues, and if these job postings prove to be accurate, the earliest we'll see Microsoft's next console will be 2012 or 2013.

Microsoft has not responded to IGN's request for comment.

Mirrors Edge 2? Nah, just Crysis.

With the news that EA and DICE basically canceling Mirrors Edge 2, one fan took it into their hands to recreate their vision of what Mirrors Edge 2 would be like. The thing is though, they made it all using the editor that comes withCrysis 2. So while yes, Mirrors Edge 2 isn’t a real thing, it can live as a mod of Crysis 2.

While that won’t be as good as a second game for Mirrors Edge 2, it is a start, and a jumping off point for the modding scene. The game isn’t even out, and already a great mod for the game is available.

Bungie Not Making Any More Map Packs For Halo: Reach

It seems like Bungie is slowly saying their farewells to the series they released onto the world 10 years ago. In the recent Bungie Weekly Update, they announced that they would no longer be making map-packs for Halo: Reach. It looks like the Defiant Map Pack will be Bungies last. This really shouldn’t come as a surprise considering Bungie will be moving on to work on their new IP.
We are not building map packs for Halo: Reach and we’re not working on any engine modifications, with code pressed tightly to metal.
Fear not though Halo fans! Bungie isn’t writing off Halo: Reach just yet – oh no. While they won’t be making map packs, or modifying the engine, they will be continuing to add playlists and such until 343 and Microsoft fully take over.
You can also expect us to continue infusing Halo: Reach’s online game with plentiful playlist additions and upgrades, the best community-crafted maps we can get our hands on, and some outstanding community contests and events that we’ll start talking more about in the weeks and months ahead. If you’ve been riding the Bungie ride for a good number of years, you already know the drill. The days and months ahead hold a ton of surprises, so stick around – we don’t plan on going out with a whimper.
Well, it’s good to see Bungie won’t go out until the last possible minute. After all, they were the ones who created the Halo franchise and made it what it was back when Halo: Combat Evolved first came out and rocked the console FPS world. However, with Bungie slowly leaving Halo marks the end of an era.

Friday 4 March 2011

UK Retailer, GAME, Is Now Offering Used Game Pre-orders

Used game sales are understandably a very debated issue amongst the video game industry. While many consumers rely on the purchase of pre-owned games, the inevitable result is that neither developers nor publishers receive any amount of money from the market.
GAME, a UK retailer, recently announced that the company will now be accepting used game pre-orders as part of a new trial program. Titles such as Dragon Age II, Crysis 2 and Homefront are a few examples of upcoming releases that are currently available through this offer.
The process behind this service is fairly self-explanatory–upon pre-ordering a used game, you will be provided with a copy of the specified title as soon as someone else sells it to the retailer. As a result, the trial offer is verydependent on other customers.
Pre-ordering used games is certainly an interesting concept. In theory, someone could potentially save upwards of $20 on a launch title while still receiving it within a week of its initial release. However, one question almostimmediately presents itself: is it necessarily good for the used game market to be improving?


Two games took home a lion’s share of the awards at the Game Developer’s Choice Awards last night, meaning that the folks at Rockstar and Markus “Notch” Persson will need to clear off some more shelf space. Red Dead Redemption lassoed four awards: Best Audio, Best Game Design, Best Technology, and Game of the Year. Minecraft dug out three awards: Best Debut Game (even though it hasn’t released yet), Best Downloadable Game, and the Innovation Award.
Playdead’s Limbo was again the perennial bridesmaid. Nominated in seven categories, the dour platformer only took home one award for Best Visual Art. Aside from that, Mass Effect 2 won Best Writing and Cut the Rope cinched Best Handheld Game.
On to personal rewards, Sega’s Yu Suzuki was anointed with the Pioneer Award, which is extremely fitting for anyone familiar with the man’s legacy. Lionhead’s Peter Molyneux snagged the Lifetime Achievement Award, who used the opportunity to apologize to his co-workers for “putting gimmicks in [games] and just being an incredibly difficult person to work with.” Only the British can effect such adorable humility.
In case you’re curious, the GCDAs operate through open nominations, and the awards are voted on by an invitation-only group of 500 developers.
[via Edge]