Monday, 28 February 2011
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Modern Warfare 3 Countdown Site A Hoax According to Geoff Keighley
Friday, 25 February 2011
Killzone 3 Steel Rain Map Pack Trailer (JUNKYARD MAP!)
Countdown Site for Modern Warfare 3?
MotorStorm® Apocalypse Wreckreation Mode Developer Diary
New L.A. Noire Screenshots Show Bloody Cars And Explosions
APB: Reloaded Beta Application Keys Being Sent Out
Presuming you fill out the information correctly and completely in the Closed Beta Application, we will then let you access the game ahead of all other gamers.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
L.A. Noire Preorder Bonuses Revealed
The Naked City’ Vice Case
In this bonus case from L.A. Noire’s Vice Desk, detective Cole Phelps investigates the supposed suicide of a stunning fashion model. Can you help Cole unravel the truth in a city blighted by drugs, corruption and greed, where the death of a beautiful woman is never as straightforward as it seems?The Badge Pursuit Challenge
Hidden around L.A. Noire’s beautiful recreation of 1947 Los Angeles are 20 police badges to find and collect. If you can find all 20 of these badges, the dapper Button Man suit will be unlocked which provides extra ammo for all weapons. Each badge also provides 5 additional XP which will help further unlock Intuition Points – special credits that can be used to give Phelps a key investigative insight when you need it most.
Amazon:This unlockable detective suit boosts your fist-fighting capabilities and resilience to damage. Throughout L.A. Noire while working cases, you’ll encounter quite a few suspects and persons of interest who prove to be resistant to arrest. Your hand-to-hand fighting skills will be called into action on these cases – the Broderick suit with its enhanced fighting abilities may be that edge in helping make that collar.
“A Slip of the Tongue” is a bonus case from the Traffic Desk in which a seemingly run of the mill car theft ends up sparking an explosive investigation into the largest auto fraud racket the city has ever seen. With the stolen cars piling up and questionable characters at every turn, can you help Cole Phelps crack the biggest case so far in his career?
Best Buy:
The Sharpshooter unlockable detective suit enhances your aim with rifles and pistols. Always a worst case scenario for any detective working a case, there are of course those occasions for Cole Phelps when pursuing a suspect escalates to gunfire. In these tense shootouts, the Sharpshooter suit provides that extra aiming precision to take the criminal down.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Killzone 3 Dev Keeping An Eye out for Cheating Scum
The ability for one person to ruin people’s games is not a good prospect obviously, so we’re working with Sony on the moderation side. But at the same time we have to step up as developers and say, “OK what are the holes in our game, what is the data, can we analyze that and see where the problems might be?”
Battlefield 3 Pre-order Bonus Revealed
Official L.A. Noire Box Art
FortressCraft Water and Building
As Mojang ports Minecraft onto portable platforms, a wholly unrelated group is cashing in on the block-moving train with FortressCraft on Xbox Live Indie Games.
What amounts to a blatant knock-off of Minecraft, FortressCraft is impressive nonetheless. Releasing this spring for 80MS points ($1), the game’s first chapter, “The Creation”, will feature world building and 31 player multiplayer. Subsequent chapters are also in the works, also for $1, and there are even plans to port FortressCraft to Windows, Mac, Linux and browsers.
At this point, you’re probably wondering how in the hell these guys are going to avoid a lawsuit from Mojang. Well, they answer that in the FAQ:
Q: Doesn’t this infringe Mojang’s copyright?
A: No it doesn’t infringe copyright. All the graphics, code, branding and trademarks are our own.
I’ll feel dirty doing it, but there’s nothing that’s going to stop me from checking this out when it releases. Of course, should Mojang ever decide to put the real deal on Xbox, they’ll surely get my money again. Until then, this looks to be the best way to get your Minecraft fix from the comfort of your couch.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Nintendo Confirms North American 3DS Launch Lineup
- Steel Diver
- Pilotwings Resort
- Asphalt 3D
- Bust-A-Move Universe
- Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
- Madden NFL Football
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D
- Rayman 3D
- Ridge Racer 3D
- Samurai Warriors: Chronicles
- The Sims 3
- Super Monkey Ball 3D
- Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars
Avatar Kinect Demo
Bulletstorm ‘Gun Sonata’ Paid DLC Announced
Sony Prepping A “Hack-Proof” PlayStation 3?
Super Meat Boy Receives 40 Free Levels On Xbox 360
Don’t Forget! Dragon Age 2 Demo Lands Today!
Even Cliffy B Wants To Play Killzone 3
And yes, I support our products but more importantly I support GAMES. Got my #Killzone!
Uncharted Film Director Wants To Be Trusted, Says Movie Will Be “Amazing”
“I’m not going to present myself as hardcore. But I played the game a bunch of times and I also read as much as I could about the game and I met the game’s creator, Amy Hennig, who’s really cool. I started to brew together what I thought could be a really cool idea that I’d never seen in a film before. Really intense action and really intense family dynamics on a global stage.”
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m very respectful as far as the core content and sprit of the game, but beyond that it’s my job as a filmmaker to make what I think is going to be an amazing movie. People have to trust that and let that go, I think. There’s not a bunch of movies you can point to that are made from games that are amazing movies, that stand up to time as a franchise or as [individual films].”