
Tuesday 22 February 2011

Sony Developing Hack-Proof PS3?

Sony is currently working on a 'hack-proof' PlayStation 3 as a counter-measure against recent piracy concerns, according to EverythingHQ.

An anonymous 'insider' source says, "Sony are already deep into plans of developing a hack-proof PS3 system. This is mainly due to the recent leaks of Killzone 3 which has worried Sony of their console becoming a mainstream threat to piracy."

The new model PS3 will reportedly have the current slim design, a 300GB hard drive, an undisclosed anti-hacking system, and a mooted price point of £186.99/$300.

Current models of the PS3 could also see a price cut as Sony hopes to clear out the old hackable models from retailers to make way for the new console.

A release date has yet to be set for the new as-yet-unconfirmed model as Sony will be looking to resolve its court case against PS3 hacker George Hotz before making a final decision.

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